Friday, June 18, 2010

Wanna kill yourself?

honestly, there's nothing going on in my mind. some people want to kill themselves because they have so many problems to solve, so many people (and attitudes) to deal with, etc and what better way to break free from all these sickening things..? kill yourself! but this does not work for me.

if you've read the previous post, you'll know that i don't have anything to do in the office. well, sometimes, i mean at least every 7th-10th of the month, i'm busy but for the other 20days i'm free and literally doing nothing, but stare on the screen of my monitor, play cafe world, read some blogs about the latest trends and juiciest gossips (haha i've even finished watching gossip girl, complete 3 seasons. how cool was that?) and then pretend to be working for the rest of my 9hr-shift.

so, why do i thought of this topic? simply because i think this is the best and the most excruciating way to die. oh, what is 'this' pertaining to? no other than my work. if some people complain how toxic their work is, clearly they have not experienced working here, for this company, with these people. wow. it's like i've committed a sin that's not forgivable ever - that i am doomed for eternity. what else could be more painful than knowing that you have all the energy, the talent, the knowledge and the ability to do greater things (not only for yourself or for the company but most importantly for other people) but not being able to utilize them? i mean, it's like living for nothing at all.

so if you're gonna ask me what better way to kill yourself? apply here in our office. kidding! just do nothing. just waste your time staring at something. eat out a lot. and of course, don't use your mind so that your brain cells would die, one by one until they're all gone. hahahaha at least you're sure you'll die 'peacefully' and that you'll look fabulous inside the box. :)

1 comment:

  1. *hug* teh, when do you plan to quit? seriously, if you don't like it there, if it's hell, then leave. with the way you describe work, i assume it does nothing to help you grow in the business. you get to be more patient though, but how long will you keep yourself from doing the things you want.
