Thursday, July 1, 2010

Not Like the Movies

I was trying to write a short story in Filipino but I can’t come up with anything; I can’t even think of a name for my lead character. Frustrated, I stared at the fluorescent light above me. After a second or two, I was typing this blog or whatever this is that I’m typing now.

Again, all my thoughts were gone. I’m sure I’m not hungry or sleepy or sick; but why can’t I think clearly at all? Have I lost my mind? Well, obviously not since I can still write this blah blah blah. Maybe I was just bothered by what our helper said earlier. Her words were, “Maganda ka nga, may boyfriend ka ba?” (I know you’re pretty, but do you have a boyfriend?) I was stunned by her statement. I was caught off-guard. It just slipped out of her mouth without any warning. I asked her where it came from and if she is angry at me but she said that it was just a comment (well, she calls it, ‘motto of the day’). I ate my breakfast and left the house.

All the way to the office, I wasn’t thinking of her ‘motto’ (thanks to my uncle who kept on talking about a business proposal). I think I was happy when I arrived here. Then suddenly, KC Concepcion’s ‘Not Like the Movies’ started playing in my head (my LSS for the past two days) –

Why can’t it be
Just a pathway full of roses
Leading to a sunset view
With the one you've always dream of waits
Why Can't it be
It was like a movie scene the way I fell for you
Only you, didn't fall
Now it's not like the movies at all

I thought I wasn’t affected by it, just like when I got LSS-ed with Empire State of Mind. But then also thought that what if there’s actually something behind this whole LSS thing? Clearly, I don’t get LSS-ed with every song that I hear on the radio, so why this song? *thinking* …

Ok, so maybe I am (note: present) singing this song because I am waiting for the perfect timing for love. Not as if I have someone in my life right now, but maybe I am still looking forward to that day that I’d be in love again - not really sure if I’ve been in love as in LOVE in the past, though I’ve said that word to someone before; that someone who left me unannounced. So there, I believe I can relate very well with the song since I fell for him (at least that’s what I think has happened). Urghh. Erase. Erase. Erase. Please don’t let me be reminded of that person - forbidden to remember, terrified to forget. End of this entry. kthanksbye.